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Best Energy Tariffs For An Empty Property

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There are many reasons for having a vacant property, but whatever the reason you do not want it to be costing you more money than it should. If you think the property may be left empty for more than a few months, it's worth thinking about what energy tariff you should place it on.
You may think that leaving the heating and lights off means that energy bills will be low. However, not running your heating system for a few hours each day could cause damage to the property, especially during the winter months. Turning your heating off can leave your home susceptible to frozen pipes which could burst and cause expensive damage.
Selecting the right energy deal is crucial to keeping your property in good health without spending too much on energy bills. In this guide, we advise on some of the top gas and electricity tariffs for empty properties.
What Energy Tariffs Are Suitable For Unoccupied Properties?
The best energy tariffs for an unoccupied property are often the ones with minimal work for the owner. It is important that energy suppliers receive a regular meter reading to correctly manage your energy bills, so energy tariffs that offer a smart meter are very popular.
Sourcing the best electricity and gas energy tariff for unoccupied property is made easy with our smart energy comparison tool. Here you can identify the best energy deals available to you.
Low/ No-Standing Charge
Most energy deals come with a standing charge. This is a charge applied to your tariff to cover the costs of the energy supply. However, some energy suppliers offer gas and electricity tariffs with no standing charges. These are great for unoccupied priorities because you would be charged this daily charge without even using any energy. They are often not the best option for lowing energy bills for every household, however. As energy suppliers often have a higher price per unit of gas and electricity supply.
People often presume that cutting off the energy supply in a vacant property will prove the most economical solution. However, as well as making the property less appealing to potential buyers, this could also result in long-term damage to the property, too.
Unheated, dark properties are unwelcoming and during the winter months can leave potential buyers with cold feet in more ways than one. What’s more, simple practices such as occasionally turning the heating on can help prevent bursting from frozen pipes and generally keep everything in good working order. So, whilst another regular direct debit may lack appeal in the first instance, often, it's the most practical and cost-effective solution.
What Is A Standing Charge Energy Tariff?
After exploring the best energy deals available, consumers often opt to pay a standing charge for their gas or electricity. A standing charge is the fixed amount you are charged each day by your energy supplier for gas and electricity. This sum is charged per day on top of any energy you then go on to use.
In vacant properties or properties that are unoccupied for prolonged periods of time, a zero-standing charge energy tariff is often the most cost-effective solution.
A no-standing charge energy tariff enables the bill payer to pay for the energy that they use only, and nothing more. Consumers are not charged a flat rate per day, which makes this type of tariff ideal for properties that are frequently vacant.
One thing to consider when it comes to zero standing charges is that the energy that is consumed tends to be charged at a higher daily unit rate. So, if for whatever reason you use more energy than you expected to, you may be faced with a more expensive energy bill. That’s why it’s so important to do your research and to have a good idea as to how much energy you are likely to use.
Are There Business Energy Tariffs for Unoccupied Properties?
Businesses that have empty premises or premises that are empty for spells of the year can also compare business energy deals that cater to this specific use of commercial electricity and commercial gas consumption.
To find the right tariff that suits your needs, compare online today.
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